Creating an immersive online universe for LA MANUFACTURE

La Manufacture

In the current design landscape, La Manufacture is a promising French brand, offering a collection co-created with some of the most intriguing names in the field as Luca Nichetto, Sebastian Herkner, Ben Gorham, Nendo, and many more.
Client: La Manufacture
Typology: Website
Year: 2023
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At the beginning of 2023, La Manufacture invited us to envision a new online universe to house the evolving brand narrative. The new website design is an ever-changing canvas, with its dynamic interface keeping users engaged and entertained.
Editorial aspect
The website is a haven of curated editorial content, serving as a portal to the brand's company culture and providing insights into the latest news.
Product pages
At the same time, the product sheets' design is neat and captivating, displaying imagery and a meticulous selection of variations and detailed technical information.
Content production
Through our photographic language and video scenes the products come to life in minimalist and sometimes humorous vignettes.
We curated a WEBSITE that repositions the brand and creates a CATCHIER CONTEMPORARY LANGUAGE